Thursday, December 5, 2013

Family Event to Support the SOMD Mission of Mercy!

(click for larger view)

The Southern Maryland Mission of Mercy (SMMOM) will host the Classic Family Variety Show on Saturday, December 14th, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at Great Mills High School to help raise funds for their mission/free dental clinic in July 2014. This wonderful two-hour variety show from Branson, Missouri will star Dalena Ditto, Branson’s Female Entertainer of the Year, and feature Patty Davidson, a multi-talented performer and top-notch Ventriloquist. 

Order tickets ONLINE HERE

or by calling:
Jean Wathen at 301-884-4438
or purchase at the door

$15 for children
$35 for adults

The SMMOM budget for supplies, equipment rental, and other expenses is $65,000, and funds come through fundraising activities such as the Classic Family Variety Show, as well as from contributions. If you are able to make a donation of any dollar amount, please Click HERE.  
The Second Annual SMMOM will be held July 18th and 19th, 2014 at North Point High School in Charles County. Dr. Dargan is the Volunteer Coordinator, once again.  After January 1st, 2014, our mission will be open for registration of general volunteers.  We welcome the volunteer support of our adult patients and friends to be part of this extremely rewarding experience! If you would like to volunteer, please Click HERE.
Last June, the First Annual Southern Maryland Mission of Mercy (SMMOM) was held at Chopticon High School and provided dental services to adults in the Tri-County area who otherwise would not be able to receive dental care, at no charge.  Services valuing over $855,000 were administered to over 650 patients - fillings, extractions, and cleanings.  Over 550 volunteers were involved in this endeavor, including 80 dentists, 40 hygienists, 80 dental assistants, and more than 350 general volunteers.  Our office was represented by Dr. Dargan, an event organizer, as well as Dargan & Miller, D.D.S. team members Tracy, Jeanine, and Mande.
If you are interested in volunteering at the Second Annual Southern Maryland Mission of Mercy on July 18th and 19th at North Point High School in Charles County, please click HERE.
You support of the
Southern Maryland Mission of Mercy
is much appreciated!
We hope to see you at the
Classic Family Variety Show!

Friday, October 11, 2013

How did THAT Happen?

Aging ~ it happens! You wake up one morning, look in the mirror, and get the shock of your life, "Wow! How did THAT happen?!" A whole lot of changes are taking place and you quickly realize that gravity is not your friend and youth is fleeting. Even your teeth are showing signs of wear and tear! Are your teeth discolored, stained, worn, chipped, or missing?

Consider Cosmetic Dentistry to:
~ fill in for missing teeth
~ replace damaged teeth
~ secure dentures & bridges 

To begin the process of combating the aging process in your mouth,
please call the Dargan & Miller, DDS office at 410-535-4050
to schedule your consultation appointment.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Toothpaste Personalities

Toothpaste ~ so many brands,
so many options from each brand.

THE TRAVELER: Some people are so committed to their brand that if one store doesn't carry their specific favorite, they will head to other stores to hunt it down. Finding it is a personal quest. And when they find it, they stock up - after all, what if their one and only becomes discontinued? 

THE ADVENTURER: Other people are more adventurous ~ making their way through the toothpaste aisle, reading every box, they are open to trying something new with the hope of covering all the bases of their dental needs. It's their own personal experiment.

THE EASILY INFLUENCED: Some people are motivated to search out a specific kind after seeing an advertisement. They see it, believe it, want it, buy it! Done!
THE I'M-NOT-CHANGING-FOR-ANYTHING: Then there are those who have never and will never make a change. From their earliest recollection, they have been using the same brand. And why not? It worked then; it works now!
THE DEAL SEEKER: These savvy shoppers are all about finding the very best deal. If it has fluoride, they are a good to go and feel a certain amount of satisfaction from saving money.
Dargan & Miller, D.D.S. do not recommend one brand over another (nor will they divulge their personal favorites). Here's a good rule of thumb: seek out the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance  - it's there to help you make good choices. According to the American Dental Association, "Not all products submitted for the Seal meet the ADA’s stringent requirements. In fact, to obtain the ADA Seal companies frequently are asked to meet higher standards than what is required by law. The ADA Seal is never sold. No profit goes to the ADA when a company earns the Seal. The ADA Seal is not an endorsement of a particular product; rather it is designed to help you know that claims made on the label say what they do and do what they say. These claims are approved by the ADA before the product ever hits the market." 
So, inquiring minds want to know ...
what toothpaste personality are you?
what kind of toothpaste is your favorite?

Monday, August 19, 2013

Top 3 Ways to Prevent Dental Injuries

DO wear a mouth guard
when participating in sports
or recreational activities. 


DON'T chew ice, popcorn kernels
and hard candy,
all of which can crack a tooth. 

DON'T use your teeth to open anything,
such as bottles, nuts, packages ... 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Deadly Epidemic Requires A Call to Action

With prescription drug abuse having reached epidemic proportions, a call to action is being heard across the country by the medical community. In April 2013, the Maryland State Dental Association (MSDA) and the Maryland Board of Dental Examiners announced that all Maryland Licensed Dentists, in order to renew licensure and practice dentistry, are required to complete a continuing education course entitled "Prescribing and Disposal of Prescription Drugs."
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly one-third of people aged 12 and over who used drugs for the first time in 2009 began by using a prescription drug non-medically. On the Mouth Healthy website of the American Dental Association (ADA), it states: "Unfortunately, prescription medications have become a leading source of drug abuse among teens and young adults. These medications are often obtained from a friend or family member who had received a prescription for a legitimate purpose. Parents are sometimes fooled into handing over these drugs to treat an apparent symptom of physical distress or pain. More often, they are stolen from the medicine cabinet or lifted from the trash."
In an effort to relieve pain after a dental procedure, dentists may prescribe a narcotic analgesic for a patient. When used as prescribed for a limited amount of time, these medications are effective. But using these drugs beyond a limited reasonable period of time or for any other purpose is illegal, dangerous, and can even be fatal. 

The ADA offers suggestions on what you can do
to help in the fight against
prescription drug abuse:
  • Communicate. Talk with your children about the dangers of using prescription drugs for non-medical purposes. Be sure they understand that prescription drugs are not necessarily safe (or safer) just because they are legal. Prescription drugs can be just as addictive and dangerous (even fatal) as illegal street drugs. They are also only legal for the person for whom they are prescribed. 
  • Secure. Properly secure your prescription medications. Do not leave them in predictable, accessible places like your medicine cabinet. Hide them in unexpected places or, better yet, lock them up to ensure you do not become your teen’s supplier. 
  • Monitor. Be mindful of whether anyone else—especially your child and his or her friends—may have been taking your pills. Take note of how many pills are in each of your prescription bottles or pill packets and keep track of your refills. This goes for your own medicine, as well as for your teens and other members of the household. 
  • Dispose. Properly dispose of your unused, unwanted or expired prescription medications. If you are unable to attend a drug take-back day or cannot get to a permanent prescription collection site, try mixing unwanted prescription medicines with coffee grounds or kitty litter. This makes pills less appealing and less recognizable to anyone who can see your trash—including your kids. 
  • Spread the word. Tell your family, friends and neighbors about how teens are now using prescription drugs to get high. Encourage them to talk with their children, safeguard their medicines and tell others in their communities.

Monday, July 1, 2013

You Need to Make an Appointment When ...


  • Your teeth are sensitive to hot or cold

  • Your gums are puffy and/or they bleed when you brush or floss

  • You have fillings, crowns, dental implants, dentures, etc.

  • You don’t like the way your smile or teeth look

  • You have persistent bad breath or bad taste in your mouth

  • You are pregnant

  • You have pain or swelling in your mouth, face or neck

  • You have difficulty chewing or swallowing

  • You have a family history of gum disease or tooth decay

  • You have a medical condition such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, eating disorders, or are HIV positive

  • Your mouth is often dry

  • You smoke or use other tobacco products

  • You are undergoing medical treatment such as radiation, chemotherapy or hormone replacement therapy

  • Your jaw sometimes pops or is painful when opening and closing, chewing or when you first wake up; you have an uneven bite

  • You have a spot or sore that doesn’t look or feel right in your mouth and it isn’t going away.

 - per the American Dental Association

Monday, June 24, 2013

Dental Care During Pregnancy

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Now is the time to schedule a visit at Dargan and Miller, D.D.S. for a dental cleaning, as early in your first trimester as possible. After that, it may be beneficial to repeat cleanings once in the second trimester and possibly once in your third trimester.
The many physical changes during pregnancy can have a tremendous effect on your oral health. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, only 22 to 34 percent of women in the United States visit a dentist during pregnancy. Proper dental care during pregnancy is not only safe, but is also essential. More frequent dental cleanings will help control plaque and prevent gingivitis, which has been linked preterm, low birth weight babies. The goal is to prevent gingivitis, which can also lead to pregnancy tumors on the gums.

The buildup of plaque in gingivitis causes inflammation of the gums and can be treated safely with dental cleanings in addition to regular flossing and consistent tooth brushing with fluoride toothpaste after each meal. And be mindful of brushing around the gum line. However, if brushing your teeth spurs the onset of morning sickness, rinsing with water or with anti-plaque and fluoride mouthwashes will help. Untreated gingivitis can often lead to periodontitis, which is a more serious form of gum disease. Treating gingivitis can prevent pain and possible oral infections, without progressing to the need for antibiotics.       

help you begin this incredible journey
with excellent oral health care.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Enjoy the Thrill of the Game While Playing It Safe!

With the warmer weather, we are spending more time outside playing the sports we love! Each year, the increase in activity marks an increase in traumatic injuries to the mouth and jaw. One of the very best and least expensive ways to protect yourself is to wear a mouth guard - to save teeth and protect jaws.

Did you know that 84% of sports teams do not require that children and young adults wear a protective mouth guard? And how about those who are casually participating in the sports of their choice? Are they wearing a mouth guard? Doubtful.

According to the American Dental Association, "Last year, the National Youth Sports Safety Foundation (NYSSF) forecasted that more than 3 million teeth would be knocked out in youth sporting events. They also reported that athletes who don’t wear mouth guards are 60 times more likely to damage their teeth. Sixty-seven percent of parents admitted that their children do not wear a mouth guard during organized sports."

A recent survey conducted by the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) found that 84% of children do not wear mouth guards while playing organized sports because they are not required to wear them, even though they may be required to wear other protective materials, such as helmets and shoulder pads.

The advantages of wearing a mouth guard
which fits your mouth:
1. It fits and covers your teeth and gums.
2. It holds your teeth in place.
3. It resists tearing and allows for normal speech and breathing.
4. It is relatively inexpensive.
5. It dramatically decreases the risk of oral injuries.

Why isn't everyone wearing a mouth guard
while playing sports?

Please contact our office to learn more:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Infection Control for the Safety and Well-Being of All

Infection control has become a hot topic in the news, as it well should be. Vitally important precautions and procedures are followed to ensure the safety of all - our valued patients and our team members. The Dargan and Miller, D.D.S. team would like to take this opportunity to share about the safeguards we have in place.

In keeping with the recommendations put forth by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Dental Association (ADA) we do the following:
1. Before a patient enters the examining room, all surfaces are cleaned and decontaminated, including the dental chair, dental light, drawer handles and counter tops.
2. Non-disposable items like the dental tools are cleaned and sterilized between patients to kill microorganisms. This keeps disease and viruses from spreading and protects your health. Once dental instruments are sterilized, they are packaged and cannot be touched directly until ready to use - by gloved hands.
3. Disposable items like needles or gauze are placed in special bags or containers.
4. Infection control precautions also require all dental staff involved in patient care to use appropriate protective garb such as gloves, masks, and gowns. After each patient, disposable wear like the gloves and masks are discarded. Before seeing the next patient, the members of the treatment team wash their hands and put on a new pair of gloves.
We want you to feel confident about visiting our safe office.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us:
410-535-4050 or 301-855-1008.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

We Want to Hear from YOU!

Dargan & Miller, D.D.S.
would love to hear from YOU!

1. What is the reason you chose us and why do you keep coming back?
2. How often do you visit our office?
3. What do you appreciate about the services we provide?
4. If you have had any apprehension about going to the dentist, what makes your experience with us better?
5. Any "shout-outs" to specific Dargan & Miller, D.D.S. team members?
6. In what ways could we better serve you?

The Dargan & Miller, D.D.S. team has built a strong reputation in our community over the past 30+ years, doing our best for each and every one of our valued patients. To continue our patient-focused approach, we believe that there is always room for improvement. So please feel free to send your email to: Please indicate whether or not we may share your email on social media.  If you would like to keep it confidential, we will gladly honor your request. And please feel free to send photos of your smile! 
We're all ears ... and teeth!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Decision Time: Amalgam or Composite?

You have a cavity, you need a filling, and it comes down to a choice - amalgam or composite? If you are like most people, you have likely done an Internet search on the topic and have been inundated with all kinds of information. Dargan and Miller, D.D.S. gives you accurate information so you can make an informed decision - the best decision for you. 
First off, Dr. Dargan and Dr. Miller both have the continuing education and extensive experience in successfully completing both types of restorations. An amalgam filling is a silver restoration and the composite filling is a white "tooth-colored" restorative. The biggest deciding factors are cosmetic (where the affected tooth is located in the mouth), the amount of decay present in the tooth, and financial. 
In a more visible tooth, patients are generally drawn to the more pleasing, natural looking composite filling. Although offering a nicer finished appearance, composites generally don't last as long as amalgams and have a higher price tag. Part of the reason for this is not only the price of the material itself, but also that this procedure requires additional time. The amalgam filling is the standard, silver filling. If not needed on a front tooth, this less costly, longer lasting material may be the best option. Please know that no valid research has concluded risks of mercury toxicity from amalgam restorations. If there were, we definitely wouldn't offer this material as an option.
If you have any other questions before making your final decision,
please feel free to call our office.

Dr. Dargan or Dr. Miller will gladly answer any questions
during your appointment.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Dental Implants, Bridgework, and Crowns - Oh MY!

Are you missing a tooth or several teeth? Or do you have a tooth that has limited structure left to hold a filling ... or perhaps broken down or fractured? Are you wondering just how the determination is made to do this higher level of restorative dental work? All of these scenarios affect you in a number of ways including your appearance, your chewing ability, and putting extra stress on your surrounding teeth. After a thorough examination and review of your x-rays, Dr. Dargan or Dr. Miller will determine your need for an implant, bridgework, or a crown. 

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root which is surgically placed in the jawbone. This root offers a solid foundation to which the replacement tooth can be attached. Your new permanent tooth will help to restore the natural appearance of your mouth and enable you to chew with confidence. 


Another option for tooth/teeth replacement is bridgework. Provided that sufficient tooth structure is remaining on the surrounding teeth, Dargan and Miller, D.D.S. are able to create a bridge connecting the replacement tooth with the other teeth. The bridge is permanently cemented in your mouth and comfort, stability, and a more youthful appearance are achieved.  

Crown restoration may be recommended when an existing tooth has become problematic - severely broken down from decay or fracture. Covering the tooth completely, Dargan and Miller, D.D.S. are able to customize the shade to match your other teeth.    

Please call our office to schedule an appointment.
You will be smiling again in no time!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

New Teeth, New You!

Although Dr. Dargan and Dr. Miller strongly believe in taking a conservative approach to saving your existing teeth, there are times when the best solution is to wear dentures. Before you grab your head and yell, "Nooooooo, not that!" consider the benefits of having working teeth again. If your mind snaps shut at the very idea of it because of the chiclet-looking or straight-edged dentures of the past, we have great news for you: dentures now have the appearance of natural teeth and you will smile and eat again with confidence!

Let's talk: 
conventional dentures 
immediate dentures

Conventional denture fabrication involves having any existing teeth removed and allowing your mouth to heal for four to six weeks. Once the healing is complete, these removable dentures are made to fit the new contours and shape of your mouth. It may take a few appointments to get the fit exactly right.
Immediate dentures are inserted right after the removal of the remaining teeth. However, bones and gums can shrink over time, especially during the healing period within the first six months. When gums shrink, immediate dentures may require rebasing or relining to fit properly. 

Dr. Dargan and Dr. Miller will gladly meet with you to discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of both conventional and immediate dentures. They will give you all of the information of what you may expect along the way, which will increase your chances of successfully adjusting to your new teeth. Please feel free to jot down your questions so we can be sure to cover all of your concerns during your treatment planning appointment.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Paint My Teeth! Paint My Teeth!


Fluoride treatments for children are highly recommended and should continue right up until the eruption of their last permanent tooth. It is a long time and it does take commitment, but it really is the best practice for the healthiest start! :D 
For your child to become accustomed to and enjoy visiting the dentist, Drs. Dargan and Miller suggest bi-yearly office visits, at which time one of the team members will paint your child's teeth with a fluoride varnish. It's just a quick application and kids really seem to enjoy it, probably because it tickles a little a bit ... and the team members make it FUN. Upon check-out, we will provide you with a prescription for fluoride vitamin supplements for your child to take in between his/her visits to our office.
Here's to healthy teeth!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Whiten Up!


Professional Whitening
Many Dargan and Miller, D.D.S. patients opt for this type of whitening prior to big event, because it is a highly effective treatment and the quickest way to achieve terrific results. With in-office bleaching, the whitening product is applied directly to the teeth. Very good results are seen in only one treatment. To achieve a dramatic result, several appointments may be necessary.


Tray Whitening 
Tray-based teeth whitening systems involve filling a mouth guard-like tray with a whitening solution containing a peroxide-bleaching agent. The tray is worn for a period of time, generally from a couple of hours a day to every night. The length of time to use this method is a personal decision, as achieving the desired level of whiteness varies from patient to patient. 
First, the Dargan and Miller, D.D.S. team will take an impression of your teeth and make customized trays, enabling maximum contact between the whitening agent and your teeth. Another excellent reason to be fitted with customized trays, rather than using the over-the-counter kits, is that the perfect fit minimizes direct contact of the whitener with your gums and soft tissue. The extreme sensitivity caused by the one size fits all kits often motivates patients to switch to using the customized whitening trays.

Please ask us about Professional Whitening and/or Tray Whitening the next time you visit our office, or call us at 410-535-4050 or 301-855-1008 to inquire. We look forward to helping make your smile shiny, white, and bright!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Beauty of the Bite Guard!

Have you been waking up with headaches, tired jaw muscles, tooth sensitivity, or pain in your jaw, face, or ear? Have you noticed that your teeth are starting to look worn down, flattened, or chipped? Do you have damage to the inside of your cheek or tongue? Has your sleep partner mentioned being disturbed by your teeth grinding at night? Do you find yourself often clenching your teeth during the day? It is quite possible that you have a condition known as Bruxism - the grinding, gnashing, or clenching of your teeth.

Possible physical or psychological causes of Bruxism may include:
  • Anxiety, stress or tension
  • Suppressed anger or frustration
  • Aggressive, competitive or hyperactive personality type
  • Abnormal alignment of upper and lower teeth (malocclusion)
  • Other sleep problems
  • Response to pain from an earache or teething (in children)
  • Complication resulting from a disorder, such as Huntington's disease or Parkinson's disease
  • A common side effect of some psychiatric medications, including certain antidepressants
Note to parents: If you notice that your child is grinding his or her teeth or has other signs or symptoms of this condition, please be sure to mention this to us at your child's next appointment.
Dargan and Miller, D.D.S. will gladly meet with you to examine your teeth and determine whether or not you may have this condition. If so, it is likely that we will suggest that you be fitted for a bite guard to wear at night. There are two types of bite guards which offer the most relief and enhance your overall dental health: the soft bite guard and the comfort hard/soft bite guard. We will gladly speak with you about the advantages of both and help you decide which appliance will be best for you.
The Dargan and Miller, D.D.S. team understands that it can be difficult for you to get used to wearing a bite guard. We suggest that you try it every night for two weeks and by that time, you should adjust to the feeling and it will become second nature to you. The benefits of using a bite guard far outweigh all of the problems you experience.
One patient's experience:
"After years of waking up in tremendous discomfort and seeing several cracks in my teeth, I finally decided to use a bite guard. Dargan and Miller, D.D.S. told me exactly what to expect, took impressions of my teeth, and made minor adjustments to the appliance for optimum fit & comfort. At first, it was such a weird feeling to have something surrounding my teeth and I didn't think I would ever be able to get used to it. However, after a few weeks, I started to wake up in the morning feeling well-rested and with absolutely no pain in my teeth, gums, and jaw. That was all it took to convince me that this was the best course of action. Now I cannot get to sleep without having my bite guard in place!"

Please contact Dargan and Miller, D.D.S.
(410) 535-4050
(301) 855-1008

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Our Patients Give the Best Recommendations & Referrals

Dargan and Miller, D.D.S. are hoping our current patients will help us by referring our dental practice to your family and friends. After all, your recommendations are more powerful and far more effective than any amount of advertising could ever be. As you have experienced for yourself, we all do our very best to provide top-notch dental care for you. Why not share your positive experience with your nearest and dearest?
Have you ever noticed how terrific it is to call our office and actually hear one of our team members smiling over the phone? Yes, you can hear a smile. Our Business Manager, Tracey gladly answers any questions you may have about insurance plans and billing. Missy will schedule your appointment and will be the first one you meet when you arrive at 55 Stoakley Road in Prince Frederick, extending a warm welcome/welcome back. Before long, one of our friendly clinical team members - Karen, Jeanine, Jackie - will escort you back to the treatment room. Whether you are in for your regular dental cleaning with one of our professional dental hygienists - Bernice or Mande - or in for a procedure with Dr. Dargan or Dr. Miller, we make you feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible. We remember things you have shared with us from your previous visit - not just what the procedure was (we have your file for that), but also things about your life. That is because we care about you as person.

We hope you will share with others about Dargan and Miller, D.D.S. and we look forward to seeing you at our office again!