Have you been waking up with headaches, tired jaw muscles, tooth sensitivity, or pain in your jaw, face, or ear? Have you noticed that your teeth are starting to look worn down, flattened, or chipped? Do you have damage to the inside of your cheek or tongue? Has your sleep partner mentioned being disturbed by your teeth grinding at night? Do you find yourself often clenching your teeth during the day? It is quite possible that you have a condition known as Bruxism - the grinding, gnashing, or clenching of your teeth.
Possible physical or psychological causes of Bruxism may include:
- Anxiety, stress or tension
- Suppressed anger or frustration
- Aggressive, competitive or hyperactive personality type
- Abnormal alignment of upper and lower teeth (malocclusion)
- Other sleep problems
- Response to pain from an earache or teething (in children)
- Complication resulting from a disorder, such as Huntington's disease or Parkinson's disease
- A common side effect of some psychiatric medications, including certain antidepressants
Note to parents: If you notice that your child is grinding his or her teeth or has other signs or symptoms of this condition, please be sure to mention this to us at your child's next appointment.
Dargan and Miller, D.D.S. will gladly meet with you to examine your teeth and determine whether or not you may have this condition. If so, it is likely that we will suggest that you be fitted for a bite guard to wear at night. There are two types of bite guards which offer the most relief and enhance your overall dental health: the soft bite guard and the comfort hard/soft bite guard. We will gladly speak with you about the advantages of both and help you decide which appliance will be best for you.
The Dargan and Miller, D.D.S. team understands that it can be difficult for you to get used to wearing a bite guard. We suggest that you try it every night for two weeks and by that time, you should adjust to the feeling and it will become second nature to you. The benefits of using a bite guard far outweigh all of the problems you experience.
One patient's experience:
"After years of waking up in tremendous discomfort and seeing several cracks in my teeth, I finally decided to use a bite guard. Dargan and Miller, D.D.S. told me exactly what to expect, took impressions of my teeth, and made minor adjustments to the appliance for optimum fit & comfort. At first, it was such a weird feeling to have something surrounding my teeth and I didn't think I would ever be able to get used to it. However, after a few weeks, I started to wake up in the morning feeling well-rested and with absolutely no pain in my teeth, gums, and jaw. That was all it took to convince me that this was the best course of action. Now I cannot get to sleep without having my bite guard in place!"
Please contact Dargan and Miller, D.D.S.
(410) 535-4050
(301) 855-1008